Design by IDEA Society

Home Events & Exhibitions UN: VIC Art Club Charity - 17.12.2015


UN: VIC Art Club Charity - 17.12.2015

The IDEA Society chairman Dr. Stefan Stoev donated the painting "Creative kids painted of Joan Miró" for the charity event of to the VIC Art Club.

Raymond Nader, President - VIC Art Club and Dr. Stefan Stoev, Chairman - IDEA Society

On behalf of the Committee of the VIC Art Club, all UN staff and members are invited to the annual 2015 Charity auction on:

Thursday 17 December 2015 starting at 16:30 hrs.

Located on the ground floor of the F tower in the entrance to the lounge.

The event will be catered by Eurest and Bank Austria. Specail thanks to Mr. Stefan Wögerer and Mr. Horst Scheifl.

All proceeds from the raffle will be donated to a good cause.


1  Peter Andreas LINHART Acrylic on Canvas “UN Heart” Size 40x40

2  Sylvia WUTSCH Acrylic on Canvas “MOHN (Poppy)” 50 cm Round

3  Philipp BIRKMAYER Acrylic on Canvas “LOBSTER” Size 120x80

4  Ingrid J. KURNIG Acrylic on Canvas “EINFALL” Size 80x60

5  Andreas GÜNTER Oil on Canvas “HANNA PHILOMENA” Size  110x90

6  Jirí LUKEŠ Oil on Canvas “FOR JOY” Size 50x50

7  Stefan STOEV, IDEA Society Creative kids painted of Joan Miró Size 200x150

8  Tereza ZIKOVSKA “Teleziko” Oil on Canvas "FESTIVAL" Size 70x30

9  Lorna PANZENBOCK Aquarelle Size 50x65

10 Nicole ENNEMOSER Acrylic on Canvas “Lesen im Dunkeln” Size 100x70