PANGAEA in Paris - 3.12.2013 |
EUROPEAN LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE, UPF - Eurasia & Europe: Cooperating for a Culture of Peace & Human Development - Paper (PDF 389KB)
After the conference the PANGAEA collection was displayed to the wider public at the Jardins Renoir of the Musée de Montmartre
Artists of Montmartre Like the other Impressionist painters, Auguste Renoir has perfectly understood that in order to catch the different effects of the sunlight, he had to place his easel out-of-doors and paint on the motif. Indeed the more rural parts of the hill of Montmartre provide him with an ideal studio. At night, Renoir returns to sleep at 12 rue Cortot, at the very entrance to this museum, in a building that will soon host other artists like Susanne Valadon and her son Maurice Utrillo. Nonetheless, the most famous studio in Montmartre remains the Bateau-Lavoir (the "Wash-Boat"): there lived Kees Van Dongen, Juan Gris and Amedeo Modigliani; most importantly, it was there that Pablo Picasso painted his Demoiselles d'Avignon, the work that inaugurated a new era in modern art. Today the PANGAEA artists, called by the chairman of the IDEA Society Dr. Stoev "Philanthropists", were paying a tribute to the spirits of the Impressionists.