The Danube and the European Identity Today - 24.10.2012 |
Opening address: Mag. Richard Nikolaus Kühnel, Head of Representation, European Commission Dr. Stefan Stoev, Chairman, IDEA Society Dr. Michael Platzer, Director, Academic Council on the United Nations System Keynote: H.E. Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Ambassador and Head of the Cultural Policy Section of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
The Exhibition includes artworks from Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.
Panel discussion: Prof. Dr. Philipp Maurer, Art critic and Culture Expert H.E. Milovan Božinović, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Austria Mag. art Juliana DO, Artist and Curator of the IDEA Society
Moderation: Josef Kirchengast, Foreign Editor, Der Standard
House of the European Union, Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna
Photographs: Anna Gredinger